If an estimate is needed. Send us a request and we will estimate the price based on your needs:
*If you order goods and installation work for areas from 50 sq. metres, you will receive a gift consisting of a floor care product!
Our most frequent method for installing this type of floor pattern is by gluing. Please note that if you choose this type of pattern, you will need 10 % more boards than the actual area of the floor, as more boards are cut than in the case of installing the boards in rows.
The price of installing floor in chevron pattern includes:
1. Preparation of the base:
If the base is concrete – cleaning the construction residue, sanding the concrete and vacuuming
If the floor is installed on a slab – cleaning the construction residue, sanding a slab and vacuuming
2. Installing the parquet boards
3. Removing the debris
What other factors can affect the price of installing a floor in chevron pattern?
The size of the object and the choice of boards (installing solid boards will be more expensive)
Floor installations in a chevron design are more expensive, as this pattern requires a lot of attention to detail and takes longer to install.
Note: the price includes the sanding materials and all the professional tools that are needed for the installation (we will supply them).
Each object is different. For this reason, we will always provide accurate estimates based on the actual situation.